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Pitcher off water with text Let's Talk Water

Let’s Talk H2O !

Our body is 60% water…

H2O serves as the body’s transportation system making hydration vital for optimal body function on a cellular and systems level. It delivers nutrients and oxygen to cells to produce energy for muscle, nerve, and brain function.

Water eliminates waste byproducts through perspiration, urination, and defecation. Kidney stones are one example of when minerals crystallize within the kidneys to form stones when adequate water is not consumed.

H2O serves an important role in the body’s cooling system and regulating temperature. As your body heats up you sweat to cool down. So if you are exercising it is always a good idea to preload with fluids.

Water is also known to help in weight management, skincare and joint lubrication.

Dehydration when you lose as little as 2% of your body’s water content. It leads to signs and symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, constipation, mood, and behavior changes.

So how much water should we drink?

A simple rule to follow is the 8×8 rule. It is often suggested that 8 servings of 8oz of H2O a day is considered adequate water consumption. This also includes liquids that we intake such as coffee and high water content foods such as oranges, watermelon, and salads.

This article is written by Marsh Naidoo, PT

Marsh is the founder of Teletherapy Services LLC, a private physical therapy service, located in Dyersburg, Tennessee, that provides rehabilitation services at the clinic, in the home, and via telehealth. You can contact her at